Monday, April 20, 2020

Nanny Resume Writing

Nanny Resume WritingIf you're looking for a job as a Nanny care assistant, there are some things that you'll want to do that could help you land a good position in the field. Here are some tips on how to create a nanny resume.One of the best ways to get hired as a nanny is to make sure that you have some experience in the field, so make sure that you do all you can to have as much experience as possible before you apply. Nanny resumes are going to need some work, and this is one of the best ways to get the job done right. When you apply, make sure that you make yourself stand out from the crowd by using the most professional looking resume that you can.For a long time, nanny care has been a popular choice. People who do not have children may choose to take care of an elderly person, but many choose to do this because they want to work with children. If you know someone who is a nanny, ask them for some references. This will make you look better in the eyes of potential employers, and it can also help you find an employer who is more likely to hire you.The next thing that you should try to do when creating a nanny care assistant resume is to include your skills in the job. It can be hard to get a job without experience, but if you do have any experience you can tell them what it is and why you believe that you are qualified to do the job. One of the easiest ways to get hired is to say that you have had some experience in this field. There are lots of different places that you can find people who have used other professions as a way to get some experience.You should also try to look for a nanny care company that you are willing to work with. You want to make sure that you are making an agreement with your employer and that you will be able to handle everything in a proper way. You don't want to go with a company that doesn't treat you right and leaves you out in the cold while they work to get their own way. Be sure that you have an understanding with your employ er before you sign anything.Nanny resume writing is essential for everyone. It's important for parents to know that they are going to be able to get someone who is going to be there for them when they need it. Even if you have never used a nanny before, this may be a perfect job for you. Of course, you still need to make sure that you look for a company that you feel comfortable with. Remember that you are taking the responsibility of taking care of someone, so make sure that you feel comfortable with that person.With any job, make sure that you have a nanny care assistant resume that looks great. These days, it doesn't matter what you look like, you'll need to stand out to get noticed, so start now!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Liberal Arts Majors Finally See Job and Salary Gains

Liberal Arts Majors Finally See Job and Salary Gains The stereotype of the philosophy or theater major stuck working as a barista was a punchline that became a cliché. And now, luckily for those liberal arts majors, that unfunny joke is becoming something else: less common. New research from the National Association of Colleges and Employers found that students who graduated in 2015 with bachelors degrees in liberal arts and the humanities have done better in the job market than their counterparts from a year earlier. Six months after graduation, a greater percentage had landed full-time work and were earning more, to boot. Computer science was still the most employable major, with about three quarters of new grads landing work within six months of graduation, but students who graduated in 2015 with bachelors degrees in area studies (like anthropology or international relations), languages, English, history and philosophy all saw employment gains of between roughly 1% and 6%, compared to the class of 2014. Only visual and performing arts majors did less well than their peers a year earlier, with employment falling by around 2%. Related: 20 Liberal Arts Colleges Where Grads Earn the Most Even more dramatic than the employment gains for liberal arts grads is the salary increases. Starting salaries for these humanities majors rose by an average of 13%, with increases ranging from 4% for history grads to an impressive 26% for area studies majors.

Friday, April 10, 2020

7 Ways To Improve Your Failing LinkedIn Strategy - Work It Daily

7 Ways To Improve Your Failing LinkedIn Strategy - Work It Daily Struggling to get serious job search mileage out of LinkedIn? If employers surf your Profile and then leave (or ignore your response to job postings), you might be missing simple strategies for presenting your brand on the site. Related: 10 Tips For Finding Your Perfect Job Fast With LinkedIn Consider these straightforward, corrective actions in your LinkedIn strategy, methods, and perspective â€" which can make the difference between landing a great job and spinning your wheels: 1. Strengthen your brand message by adding rich media (video, documents, or links). Want employers to get a better picture of your capabilities? Then show them â€" using an actual graphic, presentation, video, or link to work samples or success stories. You can attach these files to your Summary or under each job in your Experience section. To do so, click the box with a plus sign next to “Edit” while in the Edit Profile display; hover the mouse over this icon to see “Add link” or “Upload file.” After you finish adding the item, a thumbnail will appear on your Profile, injecting a shot of color and intriguing your visitors. Each of your jobs can be associated with Projects or Honors Awards, where you can also add URLs appearing under each job. Click +Add in Projects to specify the link, description, and dates. Team members can add their participation as well (showing your collaborative side!). No matter how you leverage rich media, the added visual interest on your Profile is sure to draw views â€" and help promote your brand. 2. Cut the dense paragraphs. You’re writing your LinkedIn Profile for web reading, not a paper-bound narrative. Take a cue from effective web copy standards, with easy-to-digest sentence fragments tuned specifically for today’s click-happy audience. Break apart any paragraphs longer than three lines, aiming for succinct ideas and employing a strategy similar to this one for a VP of Sales: As a senior sales leader generating results in Americas and APAC markets, I’m known for: - Generating consistent year-over-year results of up to 75% incremental growth. - Winning the top 3 software licensing deals in new markets (Australia and Japan). - Building channel and VAR contracts placing ABC Company among top global tech players. Add bullet symbols by simply copying and pasting bullets you’ve used in documents (or seen elsewhere on LinkedIn) to help set apart the text you’ve added. 3. Spend time on keyword optimization. Did you know employers spend hours looking for the right candidates on LinkedIn â€" using keywords as a guide to find top candidates? If you haven’t employed keyword strategy, you’ll need to look at how your Profile ranks among your competition, with tweaks to improve your findability. If you’re a Premium LinkedIn user, you’ll now receive a list of popular, traffic-heavy keywords when editing your Summary. If you have a free account, you can always analyze job postings to get a good idea of commonly searched terms for your field. For example, an IT Director might need to include Cloud Architecture, Help Desk, Governance, and IT Roadmaps to show competency as a technical leader. You’ll also benefit from adding keywords in highly indexed fields, such as Job Title and Skills Expertise. Adding descriptive terms to a Job Title (IT Director â€" Enterprise Strategy) and gaining Endorsements on your Skills will also push your Profile higher in search results. With a Premium account, you can also view your Visitor statistics and Profile View ranking to see if your traffic is growing or shrinking. On a free account, pay attention to whether you’re getting regular attention from employers. If not, it’s time to make keywords an important part of your LinkedIn strategy. 4. Use a photo that represents your professional side. Still including a cropped-out shoulder from your spouse? Posting a too-casual selfie? Instead, boost your professional presence with a photo that shows how you’d look at the interview. Most professional photographers will prepare a digital photo for a reasonable fee, including airbrushing and multiple poses. However, you might find that a friend can do the job with an array of shots in casual and office settings â€" allowing you to choose the best visual for a professional touch. Taking your LinkedIn photo seriously will show employers that you’re serious about putting your best foot forward. Remember, this is one of the first brand elements they’ll see on your Profile. 5. Stop worrying about connecting with others. You’re on LinkedIn to promote your personal brand, forge business relationships, and benefit from using the site (right?). So don’t treat it like Facebook. Unlike less-professionally oriented social media, LinkedIn values volume of connections, and you’re rarely judged on the quality of your contact list. What most employers and recruiters notice about you on LinkedIn is how wide your network is, how well your Profile speaks to your qualifications (and their needs), and how easily they can reach you through your connections. Think about it another way: every new connection puts you one degree closer to a recruiter or hiring authority. So open up your network and let people in! 6. Get going on Groups. One of the most neglected and yet one of the most high-ROI activities you can undertake on LinkedIn, joining and leveraging Groups will help you craft a memorable digital identity. If you need proof, look at LinkedIn’s “Who’s Viewed Your Update” feature (released in early 2014). Located on the right-hand side of your home page, this function shows you how many users looked at your Status Update, grouped by connection degrees. If you’re sharing Status Updates only with those in your network (meaning posted directly on your Home page), you’ll see views from 1st-degree connections only. But if you share Updates throughout your Groups, now you’re reaching 2nd- and 3rd-degree connections intrigued by your post â€" and possibly your experience. Use your Group forums to engage in commentary, sharing your expertise (in a professional manner, of course) and discussing topics of industry interest. This strategy can help position you as a thought leader in your field. 7. Make it easy for others to contact you. If you’ve neglected to add Contact data such as your mobile number or email address, get this updated quickly! Too many users forget to specify these details, and then wonder why they’re not receiving inquiries. You can also add an email address right in the Summary, with a sentence encouraging others to get in touch with you (“I welcome inquiries and connection requests at”). Since recruiters often pay extra to source candidates, they’ll be happy to find your contact information for free. Another way to facilitate contact is to join plenty of LinkedIn Groups, which allows other Group members to message you for free. Recruiters who source candidates in a specific field will often join industry Groups for this purpose. In summary, if you’re not getting the leverage out of LinkedIn that you want, it might be time to rework your entire strategy. These simple corrections can bring much more traffic (and results) your way. This post was originally published at an earlier date. Photo Credit: Shutterstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!